Dispatching functions to specific TwinterpretersΒΆ

This example uses two functions, which are assigned to specific interpreters - pypy and the default python. The pypy function is used to speed up a nested loop of O(N2) complexity. At the same time, the python function uses the matplotlib module, which is not available in other interpreters.

from cpy2py import TwinMaster, twinfunction
import sys
import time
import math

# extensive code run in PyPy for optimizations
def prime_sieve(max_val):
    """Sieve prime numbers"""
    start_time = time.time()
    primes = [1] * 2 + [0] * (max_val - 1)
    for value, factors in enumerate(primes):
        if factors == 0:
            for multiple in xrange(value * value, max_val + 1, value):
                primes[multiple] += 1
    return {
        'xy_matrix': [
            [primes[idx] == 0 for idx in range(minidx, minidx + int(math.sqrt(max_val)))]
            for minidx in range(0, max_val, int(math.sqrt(max_val)))
        'info': '%s in %.1fs' % (sys.executable, time.time() - start_time)

# matplotlib in CPython
def draw(xy_matrix, info='<None>'):
    """Draw an XY matrix and attach some info"""
    from matplotlib import pyplot
    pyplot.xlabel(info, color="red")

# native function not assigned to particular interpreter
def main():
    """Find and draw prime numbers"""
    import argparse
    cli = argparse.ArgumentParser('function twin example')
    cli.add_argument('COUNT', help='size of computation', type=int, default=int(1E6), nargs='?')
    options = cli.parse_args()
    # Twinterpreters must be started explicitly
    twins = [TwinMaster('python'), TwinMaster('pypy')]
    for twin in twins:
    # twins can be chained directly

# protect main thread from executing again in other interpreters
if __name__ == '__main__':